WHO do You Really Want to Become?
Leave your parents' and society's expectations out for a while.
From the womb to the the tomb. That's how long it takes for many persons to find and fulfill THEIR truest passions in life. Which, really equates to them not finding nor fulfilling them at all.
When was the last time you asked yourself what you want to become? Maybe you were in school and your teacher did that 'drill'. Oh, how your eyes must have lit up when you named the plethora of possibilities.
Or maybe it was that time you were off to university and you were interrogated about your degree choice; its relevance in today's market; it's possible saturation or possible niche effect.
Whether it was those two times, or even when you last had a conversation with a friend; family; a possible employer; a client; in an essay or competition... it's time you go down that alley again...with a slightly different approach:
WHO do You Really Want to Become?
Suddenly replaying different voices in your head?
Switching choices soon?
Holding on to those choices so you do not disappoint?
Never given it much thought?
On the contrary, maybe you are 100% confident that you already know for certain. Well done! That, my friend...may be your greatest accomplishment yet.
Many of us live our lives treading so carefully along the path pre-designed for us by everything else but our passions and purpose. So much so, to the effect that we may be living for someone else.
Go to school, they said. Get a good education, they said. So you can get a good job, they said. Pretty much in that order.
But who said this is the law of air. Whereby you die if you do not inhale this narrative?
Point to the persons who encouraged you to seek out your passions.
Point to the persons who pledged their support whether your career choice is traditional or non-traditional.
Point to the persons who told you that it is okay to not aspire to trade your time for money as an employee... working without job security to build the dreams of your employer.
Point to the persons who gave you the insight to life: that the order; the pace; the opportunities; the outcomes; the stages; the phases... vary for everyone, and rightly so.
Point to the person who solemnly knows that they have SO MUCH MORE to offer.
WHO do you REALLY want to become?
It is the journey that gives life its truest worth. Sure, you wouldn't want to find your passions and purpose today then decide to die tomorrow. Enjoy day to day experiences that contribute wholly to your existence.
Finding and fulfilling your passions and purpose is a journey. A journey of self discovery. A journey of imperfections. A journey with slow roads. A journey with fast roads. A journey where some days nothing happen. A journey where some days everything comes tumbling. A journey of saying no. A journey of saying yes. A journey of flight from your nest.
A journey of graciously shedding the mundane linear perception of growth and success.
Where you go to school. Get a good education. Get a good job. Then suddenly you have made it. You have completed the rituals of initiation and may now go on to start your family and carry on the torch!
This may seem like the normal thing to do. The safe thing to do. While it is not the wrong thing to do, it is certainly not the ought to do.
My tips to Lady Justice:
Step outside the box. Find your passions. Your talents. Explore new horizons. Forget everyone's pace and find your own. Get in tuned with your truest self.
It is okay to explore different careers. It is okay to be self employed. It is okay to challenge yourself with new tasks. it is okay to leave you comfort zone. As a matter of fact, you should.
It is okay, at your age to not be sure what you Really want to become. Let the possibilities of each new day keep you on your toes. Let the doors open and close. Because, it is in these moments that we are really living and becoming who we truly are. Be open to this growth.
Life is too short to place all your aim on who you are expected to become. Think about your core values. The many experiences you anticipate. The talents that put fire your eyes. The dreams you want actualized.
Take control. WHO do you Really want to Become?