Monday, September 23, 2019

"A Glance at Beauty from the Inside"
[Part Two]

Having hinted of  part two to my second coverage of "A Glance at Beauty from the Inside" I got the gist that many persons thought part two would be a 'lash-out'. By this I mean, an account of dirty laundry and petty squabbles about the recent beauty pageant; Miss Universe Jamaica 2019.

I beg to differ however, as I merely seek to portray a rounded "...Glance of Beauty from the Inside", avoiding at all costs, the dangers of a single story.

In essence, you may be strangely disapointed to not encounter any 'dirty laundry' but rather, the bitter-sweetness of 'Chinese Laundry'!

If, on the other hand, you are here for the journey, then by all means-stay for the ride!

Bueaty pageants, like other aspects of life, are not perfect beds of roses. The industry and those who parttake in it, be it directly or indirectly, are not without their flaws.

Let us take a glance of the flawless beauties who are numbered as finalists. To begin, it is no myth that competing ladies in a pageant can be genuinely  loving and empowering to their fellow pageant sisters. Notwithstanding this, there are always spurs of events and circumstances that tip the scale.
 At some point in time, warranted or not, some finalists become suspicious of foul play. They feel as though, the covered eyes of Lady Justice are in support of the seemingly bias comments, affiliations or industrial expectations.
When the mind has given birth to these thoughts, there are only two pacifiers on the table. One either settles with the belief that it is indeed so, or like a donkey on a 'hill and gully' plot of land, see the thoughts as pesky flies and shake them off. Baby, you get to choose your pacifier!

Flawlessly too, some finalists in their pursuit of  the crown, smartly fit the mole and take on the shape of the quintessential bueaty queen. This, like a drug, can be used as directed or may lead to an overdose. There is a sweeping generalization that may well be true of majoriy of beauty queens. Kings and queens of critiques, share the gist that many beauty queens are rehearsed, cookie cutting, 'world peace', superficial gems.

A disservice to self then, as an aspiring queen is to settle, be easily silenced, submissive to the opinions of crown makers and rehersing pure attributes such as empathy, charity and good will.

In essence, Chineese Laundry are good for balance and make for a comfy stance but to walk on eggshells to the crown will sore many feet and numb many toes. It is thus, good advice when one hears "just be yourself". Keep a firm grip on your opinions and sense of self. That way, if the cown wasn't made to fit your head, you wouldnt have lost yourself to eggshells, there is no yolk in that!

Beauty is  realative and comments on who is beautiful differ with varying people. To some, the most beautiful  lady is the one who have been their friend or is family. To others, their pick for the beauty will be based on socialization or commercialized descriptions. The univeres hepls too, as different energies resonate with different people and a certain energy may be labelled as beautiful. It is all a gamble with the 'mirror mirror on the wall'.

In a different vein, there are many persons who tilt their heads from the happenings of beauty pageants on the grounds of religion, moreso Christianity.

 As a country that is often classified as a Christian nation, young women and girls who partake in pageants usually rule out the support of sanctimonius citizens. Their conversations with the pageant world usually sparks around, "how is the church handling it?" With reference to the teasing walks in bikinis, the false lashes and colourful faces, the activites on sabbath etc, the provocative jewelry and outfits too. Suddenly, it is clearer that the world is coming to an end. While those women 'fret' for the crown, the church 'fret' for the souls of the women.

Likewise, theorists beam at the constant manifestations of their theories. Capitalists with the Marxists views, point fingers at which finalists, sponsors, organizers and other support systems  make up the bourgeoise or prolatariat. Feminists, sigh at the seemimgly exploitation of women and their bodies as they fulfil the prophecies of being delicate submissive beings fattening an industry that keeps them subservient.

These provoking, brow knitting sentences are the metaphoric paint and brushes of an artist. Whether one likes the painting on the canvas is up to him/her.

Beauty is as vast as the universe. Beauty is as wide as the world. Beauty is as different as the continents. Beauty is as global as technology. Beauty is as grand as a coronation.

We never see it all at once nor do we ever have a consensus on what it is. Beauty on the inside is as mysterious as it is on the outside. Some will love one, some will love both and others, none at all.

Lady Justice standing tall, who's the fairest of them all?

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

"A Glance at Beauty from the Inside"

[Part One]

We have heard a thousand times over, that beauty pageants are for 'pretty' girls. We have seen too the reactions and commentaries of people who clench onto the industry for dear life or for mere entertainment. The variables of each new saga attracts new perspectives while the constants, etch in the minds of many, the age old perception of beauty.

One can contend however, that the term beauty has more depth than a skin deep analysis. It can also be deduced that, beauty pageants are more than what meet the eyes and are far more beneficial than they are given credit for.

Sadly, applicants for beauty pageants are usually seen as vain; shallow; superficial and not scoring much on the intellectual continuum. That however, must be debunked as pageants afford girls and young women many life skills, opportunities for personal growth and more awareness of self.

Let us take a look at beauty from the inside of the Miss Universe Jamaica 2019 pageant.

In a universe like ours, where multi-tasking, good time management and value for people's time are important aspects of life; it is good to know that the aforementioned pageant emphasized on these values.

For the 18 finalists of the Miss Universe Jamaica 2019 beauty, fashion and wellness pageant, a schedule of activities which was frequently updated, became perhaps the most checked document for the pageant period. It outlined tasks and times which were to be adhered to. Of a fact, most of the ladies had jobs and other businesses throughout the days and had to manage their time wisely so as to honour those on the schedule. Thus, the skill of time management was no longer just a fancy term but a serious part of their daily routine.

The beauty of that was a new sense of respect and value for other people's time. Be it the driver of a bus; presenters at a session; photographers; hair stylists and even the time of make up artists.

Additionally, for individuals who view the ladies in pageants to be vain and shallow, you have obviously not heard about the Altruism Project which has become part and parcel of the Miss Universe Jamaica pageant. The Altruism Project charges the finalists to go into their community and identify a social ill that they can remedy so as to improve and impact lives positively. Here, we see charity, community development and nation building coming into play. We see too, young women who are not just identifying problems but actively seeking and implementing solutions. What selfless beauty!

Many of these altruistic deeds will live on even after the duration of the pageant. That simply means, that because of the pageant, lives and communities will continue to be enhanced.

It is often said among persons who have traveled our island nation Jamaica extensively, that many nationals are clueless when it comes on to the myriad of attractions and local scenery that we posses. We hear too that tourists to our island know it better than we do. Indeed, there is some truth to that.

Nonetheless, the pageant mentioned before has ensured that at least 18 of Jamaica's young ladies can head back to their daily routines having experienced what may have otherwise been seen as exclusive to tourists. Not many persons have been privy to board and tour a cruise ship or check in to a breathtaking five star hotel. These opportunities are not to be seen as trivial as they add to the experience and knowledge of the individuals involved.

In my estimation, many persons see the show...the final output, but not many see or even know of the journey. Training sessions take up the lion's share of the duration of the pageant under assessment. To be clear, training sessions encompass a variety of things, the least among them is 'walk and poise'.

These sessions include: etiquette; public speaking; proper social media usage; personal branding; presentation skills etc. The journey therefore is so impactful and relevant that each finalist has undoubtedly been molded, refined and make for better citizens and role models. How can we really not see the beauty in this?

Contrary to beliefs that in the beauty pageant arena, physical beauty is the be all and end all, overall wellness is paramount. Wellness of mind, body and soul. Literally. In regards to the mind, sessions were held whereby finalists unpacked their worries and insecurities in a safe space and encouraged to see themselves as more, as powerful, as confidently beautiful. The body was in for a treat too, with lessons on self defense; gym exercises; healthy food; and trusted brands for skin and hair products.
The soul too was engaged with a visit to church and constant acknowledgement of God's mercies.

On that note, I implore you Lady Justice, to give to Caesar what is due to Caesar. Although, the title of Miss Universe Jamaica 2019 can only be held by one lady, it is a fact that 17 other lives have been enhanced. As a matter of fact, a nation has been enhanced through beauty, as more development and improvement of communities is underway.

"Outer beauty is a gift. Inner beauty is an accomplishment."
                                    -Randi G. Fine